Monday, February 14, 2011


a history lesson;
=---> ⍟✪ PAGAN ✪⍟ hoilday...* <---=
=---> SHE WOLF'zzz 🐺RrrrOoooOooo !.!* <---=
=---> SLAPping woMEN...* =--->WAKE~UP !.!* =---> BITCH'zzz !.!*<---=
History of the Holidays: History of Valentines Day | History ~ do u hear porn music, in the background, @beginning ?.?*
C*upid ARROW'zzz =---> 💘 <---= 
=---> the prodigy  ~ " SMACK MY BITCH UP !.!* " <---=
the prodigy - 🔥fire🔥 STARtrrr <---=
=---> Imma TROUBLE STARtrrr...* <---=
=---> 'twist'ed
🔥fIre🔥 'STAR'trrr 😉 <---=

Shocking Truth About Valentines Day !.!*
" This video is about the Truth about Valentines Day & nothing but that!.!* 
This video expose the Pagan roots associated with valentines day. 
You will be shocked to learn what cupid really is!.!* "
________________- ____
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____/__/______\_\ ___i
_l _____ _______)__\ ___)

shakIra - SHE WOLF 🐺 ~ RrrrOoooOooo !.!*

♥ happY ValentIne'z day ♥ 😉
😉  XoXoXo ♥ 😉
E reVerse 3 = half evil = 333 =1/2666 = lol 😂
( 2+4=6 ~ 2/4 ~ 1/2 ) [ dial 666 📞😈* ~ AT&T Call📞home...* ]
"The original code for vi was written by Bill Joy in 1976, as the visual mode for a line editor called ex that Joy had written with Chuck Haley...*
vi was derived from a sequence of UNIX command line editors, starting with ed, which was a line editor designed to work well on teletypes, rather than display terminals. Within >>>AT&T<<<, where ed originated, people seemed to be happy with an editor as basic and unfriendly as ed, George Coulouris recalls...*
>Coulouris< considered the cryptic commands of ed to be only suitable for “immortals”, and thus in >FEBruary, 1976<, he enhanced ed (using Ken Thompson's ed source as a starting point) to make em (the "editor for mortals"),[9] while acting as a lecturer at >QUEEN MARY College<...* "

a. l i.C* e In WONDERland ♥
~ painting ♥ the ROSE'z "RED" <- ♥

fyi ( my real name= "white" ) ---><---
 ♥ the queen of ♥ 'z she like'z them "RED" 😂 ♥ ♥ ♥
updated 2.14.2021
Jermaine Dupri - Sweet💘heart (Official HD Video) ft. Mariah Carey

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