Friday, April 26, 2013


☾* !.!*
from out of the DARKness,
arise'z the LIGHT...

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NEW TEASER - SHARE and ENJOY! If we get 200 shares by Monday, we will give you a SECOND ONE Everybody who pre-orders or who have already ordered ANTIADORE via Amazon

Lacrimas Profundere are proud to announce the ANTIADORE tracklist. Every single track is the result of three years writing, wracking our brains, drinking, discussing and simply banging out the best of us! Now it´s upto YOU! help to spread the word about ANTIADORE! AND, with every share we will draw out 5 fans to WIN the signed Double Vinyl Edition of the new album including 2 very rare Guitarpics! With eternal thanks, LACRIMAS PROFUNDERE
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added as of 5.2.2013
NEW !.!*
auto playlist; include'z LIVE vidz. of NEW song, My Release in Pain !.!*

added items below; 5.17.2013
SEXy~HOT ROBerto vitaCca !.!*


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2 new picz. & vidz. below added as of 5.18.2013 
note: this iz a part, of an on going post;
part 2;

cont. #2; ADORErrr & +=buddY... sa`C*rI`><((((º>fIsh<º))))><'al lAMb...
use link below 2 C*;
for part 1;
ADORErrr & =buddY... sa`C*rI`><((((º>fIsh<º))))><'al lAMb...
use below link for part #1
I wuz unable to load the image'z, due to unknown reason'z; my guess it wuz getting to long... *
Therefore, instead of starting a new post, it will be cont. on this post as part 3...*
& now part 3;
note.f.y.i. 4 above image'z;
I wuz going thru my collection of saved, 'LACRIMAS PROFUNDERE' picz., & decided to ALTER this 1...
I wuz testing my ability{self taught} to ALTER this piC.,
it'z not prrr='ᵜ'=fect, I had to improvise part'z of it & I added a few minor detail'z 2 update it... ;) lol :p
All of the remove image'z, were not cut out; I only shifted/moved the image'z/color'z around; it'z kind of a long process, using a retouching tool...

......-'................-'....|....||. "


Jenny McCarthy Stuns In Sixth Playboy Cover





_______ Sexy?