Saturday, March 17, 2012

C*. !.!* { st. paTRIX daY...* }

tItle of piC*. cALLed~
C*. !.!* ~ st. paTRIX {daY}...*

{sum art/piC*.z were done bY ME
{ C*.1*.3*. !.!* aka fallOthewItrabIT },
sum piC*z. were only ALTERed bY ME,
sum piC*z. I found...* u need to figure it out...*
whole thg. put together bY ME...* }

CollAGE bY ME/
ALTERed / RE`dOne / RE`touChed bY, C*.1*.3*. !.! *
~aka~ fallOthewItrabIT !.!*
the maTRIX has U !.!*

(☉  ) 白Δ

ⓒ*©* 3ϟ17ϟ2012 d'RA'gUn ︻┳═一 C*sUn !.!*
▲ ▼ ◄ ► ▼ ▲ ► ◄ ▲ ▼
MADe beCuz of holidaY ~st. paTRIX {daY}...*
☝☟☟☝ ☛ ☜ ☜ ☛ ☜
POINTing OUT subliminal MESS`AGE'zzz...*
↘ ↙ ← ↑ → ↓ ↔ ↕
p.s./f.y.i~ I AM pART Irish 😉😉

2 C* other ART/vidz./etC*. bY ME;!/fallOwItrabIT

While I wuz making my CollAGE, I wuz liSINning 2 this awsum mix by, MATT DAREY
below vid. ~ lol😝 ~ O`mighty pond scum 2:46

EVERY1'zzz BRAINWASHED !.!* lol 😂😝😜
I Can't be talk`n about this on my blog...* SHhhh !.!*

Yes we Can

TRIX CeREAL ~ Trix All Commercials 1990s-2000s